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It will be nice to have the MacOS and linux binaries. Thanks for this awesome game.

is this version different from the one on steam?


this is litterally a layout of a game how is this a full game bro

hi superhot the game

i cant download this, i just wasted 25 euro

extract it

you want the free version? its called time shooter

haha, yes i see this on “Yandex Games”


are you gonna bring the linux native binary to

I second that question

same here


The real question is 'why isn't it here??'

because no one cares enough about itch to use update their games ever so many games have newer versions that just arent on itch because its not worth the trouble i guess.


Deleted 1 day ago


Deleted 1 day ago




nigga thats to much money


i got it for 10 dollars along with hundreds of other games in the ukraine bundle


Get it on steam, it's on sale

Incredible Game at first is a bit complicated but then you get used to it. 10/10

Got the game through a bundle a while back, but seems like only the Windows version is included here for some reason, shame that.

good game. nough said


Hi, you have to check out this game. It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years.

Seriously though, they combined innovative mechanics with an engaging story, and kept it short and sweet enough to keep from getting tedious. A+


Please add the MacOS version :(

si necesito el juego en mac 

Can I play this version on my VR Headset?

no i don't think so
vr has another version with new levels that work better in vr

Thank you for your reply

I bought the VR version

Deleted 219 days ago

I think you should just use windows LOL


what if he doesn't have windows

Deleted 1 year ago

mac is not the best for gaming and it is not as wide streamed so I don't think they will add it

Wow i never a game like this before, i think the best game i ever play for a couple of years !!


So happy I get to play this again, I loved it !!!

The game itself is great, but joystick support is poor.

Sometimes SH runs well, but most of the time is crashing on loading page with modemlike sound after you start "superhot.exe" in game. Concept is cool but game is terribly unplayable


Has anyone gotten this version to work in Wine or Proton? With lutris-ge-lol-7.0.1-x86_64 on Lutris, I get the following stack trace when trying to launch this game: 

    Managed Stacktrace:
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at Standard.NativeMethods:_DwmIsCompositionEnabled <0x000a6>
      at Standard.NativeMethods:DwmIsCompositionEnabled <0x00052>
      at Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2:_InitializeIsGlassEnabled <0x0003a>
      at Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2:.ctor <0x002d2>
      at Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2:get_Current <0x00082>
      at Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome:.ctor <0x00132>
      at MahApps.Metro.Behaviours.BorderlessWindowBehavior:OnAttached <0x00082>
      at System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior:Attach <0x00106>
      at System.Windows.Interactivity.BehaviorCollection:ItemAdded <0x0007a>
      at System.Windows.Interactivity.AttachableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged <0x001f4>
      at System.Windows.FreezableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged <0x00088>
      at System.Windows.FreezableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged <0x00402>
      at System.Windows.FreezableCollection`1:AddHelper <0x000aa>
      at System.Windows.FreezableCollection`1:Add <0x0004a>
      at MahApps.Metro.Behaviours.StylizedBehaviors:OnPropertyChanged <0x0040a>
      at <Module>:invoke_void_DependencyObject_DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs <0x0017d>
      at System.Windows.DependencyObject:OnPropertyChanged <0x001d6>
      at System.Windows.FrameworkElement:OnPropertyChanged <0x001aa>
      at System.Windows.DependencyObject:NotifyPropertyChange <0x0013b>
      at System.Windows.DependencyObject:UpdateEffectiveValue <0x01322>
      at System.Windows.StyleHelper:ApplyStyleOrTemplateValue <0x001f2>
      at System.Windows.StyleHelper:InvalidateContainerDependents <0x002da>
      at System.Windows.StyleHelper:DoThemeStyleInvalidations <0x00242>
      at System.Windows.StyleHelper:UpdateThemeStyleCache <0x0021a>
      at System.Windows.FrameworkElement:OnThemeStyleChanged <0x000e2>
      at System.Windows.StyleHelper:GetThemeStyle <0x005aa>
      at System.Windows.FrameworkElement:UpdateThemeStyleProperty <0x000e2>
      at System.Windows.FrameworkElement:OnInitialized <0x000c2>
      at System.Windows.FrameworkElement:TryFireInitialized <0x000d6>
      at System.Windows.FrameworkElement:EndInit <0x00092>
      at MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime.ClrObjectRuntime:InitializationGuard <0x00105>
      at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter:Logic_EndInit <0x00095>
      at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter:WriteEndObject <0x0073a>
      at System.Xaml.XamlWriter:WriteNode <0x000eb>
      at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader:TransformNodes <0x005b2>
      at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader:Load <0x005b2>
      at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader:LoadBaml <0x000d2>
      at System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader:LoadBaml <0x007da>
      at System.Windows.Application:LoadComponent <0x00472>
      at SUPERHOTLauncher.MainWindow:InitializeComponent <0x000a2>
      at SUPERHOTLauncher.MainWindow:.ctor <0x002b2>
      at DefaultCtorXamlActivator:InvokeDelegate <0x0003c>
      at DefaultCtorXamlActivator:CallCtorDelegate <0x00072>
      at DefaultCtorXamlActivator:CreateInstance <0x0006a>
      at System.Xaml.Schema.XamlTypeInvoker:CreateInstance <0x000ca>
      at MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime.ClrObjectRuntime:CreateInstanceWithCtor <0x0005a>
      at MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime.ClrObjectRuntime:CreateInstance <0x00103>
      at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter:Logic_CreateAndAssignToParentStart <0x00307>
      at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter:WriteStartMember <0x00572>
      at System.Xaml.XamlWriter:WriteNode <0x0010b>
      at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader:TransformNodes <0x00922>
      at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader:Load <0x005b2>
      at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader:LoadBaml <0x000d2>
      at System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader:LoadBaml <0x007da>
      at System.Windows.Application:LoadBamlStreamWithSyncInfo <0x001c2>
      at System.Windows.Application:LoadComponent <0x0019a>
      at System.Windows.Application:DoStartup <0x0021a>
      at System.Windows.Application:<.ctor>b__1_0 <0x000b2>
      at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper:InternalRealCall <0x002b2>
      at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper:TryCatchWhen <0x00092>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:WrappedInvoke <0x0007a>
      at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation:InvokeImpl <0x002f2>
      at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation:InvokeInSecurityContext <0x00072>
      at MS.Internal.CulturePreservingExecutionContext:CallbackWrapper <0x00095>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal <0x001f5>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x0005a>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x00082>
      at MS.Internal.CulturePreservingExecutionContext:Run <0x001a2>
      at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation:Invoke <0x00092>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:ProcessQueue <0x0048a>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:WndProcHook <0x0011a>
      at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper:WndProc <0x00134>
      at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass:DispatcherCallbackOperation <0x00117>
      at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper:InternalRealCall <0x002b2>
      at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper:TryCatchWhen <0x00092>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:WrappedInvoke <0x0007a>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:LegacyInvokeImpl <0x00332>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:Invoke <0x0008a>
      at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass:SubclassWndProc <0x00492>
      at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass:SubclassWndProc <0x0009a>
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods:DispatchMessage <0x000a9>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:TranslateAndDispatchMessage <0x000ba>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:PushFrameImpl <0x001b2>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:PushFrame <0x000da>
      at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher:Run <0x00092>
      at System.Windows.Application:RunDispatcher <0x0005a>
      at System.Windows.Application:RunInternal <0x002ba>
      at System.Windows.Application:Run <0x0005a>
      at System.Windows.Application:Run <0x0005a>
      at SUPERHOTLauncher.App:Main <0x00092>
      at System.Object:runtime_invoke_void <0x000a4>
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 00000001802E2832 at address 000000025D7419EB (thread 00fc), starting debugger...
It is a shame that this does not seem to run, as I mainly bought the stand for Ukraine bundle for Superhot only. There was not much else I was interested in in it.

I found that it runs fine, as long as you choose to use the "SH.exe" file to run it; I get an error trying to run "SUPERHOT.exe"

I am in the same boat as you. I like the idea of, but it's tiny experiences like this that really irritate me. 

Brillant game design, very fast paced, intuitive, and  most of all funny as hell, through difficult levels you learn to appreciate.




Hey I bought the support Ukraine Bundle, but can't play it because I'm on linux, can u please but the Linux version on itch

I found a way to use the windows version, when you run it set the controls to wasd, so it can work


I’m also on Linux. Are you running it on wine?

I get a big stack trace (mentioned in my top-level comment) when trying to run this in lutris-ge-lol-7.0.1-x86_64. What kind of configuration are you using to run it? 


It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years.


if i had 1 dollar for every dollar in the universe... i would have a lot of dollar


Deleted 74 days ago

First of all, I'm not a rapper

heres the link MIND CONTROL DELETE by superhot team

Its on Steam

(1 edit) (+9)

Any chance of making the mac version available here?



It would be great if you could add the linux version too, please!


It's by SUPER far the HOT most innovative first SUPER person HOT shooter I've SUPER played HOT in years! SUPER HOT SUPER HOT SUPER HOT SUPER HOT


It's by far the most innovative first person shooter I've played in years!

hey so i have this game in bundle, but not here for some reasons? help!


You're on the game page, go back to the bundle and click the download button


the most innovative first person shooter game i have seen in years you must try it! 

they finally updated it

and it wont update


I just updated YOU,running you as administrator in compatability mode for Windows 95


Ima play mind control with my game pass


superhot is on the microsoft store. Also, SUPER. HOT. SUPER. HOT. I beat the vr version on psvr if you see this hippity hoppity your lore is now both of our properties

this game is for sure superhot

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